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NeoGAF Games of the Year 2013 Awards


About the voting:

Notes & Thanks:
Thanks to Cheesemeister and his parser which simplifies the tallying process dramatically. And always, thank you to everyone who submitted a ballot with thoughtful comments on their selections. It made the voting thread a pleasure to read.



01. The Last of Us = 2268 points, 23 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Mushroomer25 said:
Naughty Dog's closeout to this generation is easily the most talked-about game of the year, and it's hard to not see why. They've put together the rare cohesive combination of cinematic narrative, and tense game play experience. The universe is dreary and well-realized, and the actors behind Joel & Ellie give unmatchable performances.
dreamfall said:
The sadistic satisfying brutality of smashing someone's face in with a brick - that's something I'll never forget about The Last of Us. The last remnants of humanity, in a horrifying, dynamic stealth title.
Whools said:
Just an immaculately crafted game, visually and technically impressive, solid gameplay with effective tension building, but what really stands out was the story, and the world at large. It's so refreshing to see a game that has a story to tell and is uncompromising in it's delivery. The ending is nothing below brilliant.


02. BioShock Infinite = 1080 points, 34 honorable mentions

GAF said:
ultron87 said:
The world building and plot of Bioshock Infinite made up for any occasionally repetitive combat. Columbia is a wonder to behold and the time travel/alternate dimensions plot is actually extremely well thought out and put together if you dig into a lot the details.
Zeona said:
From the opening minutes the game gripped me and it maintained this grip for quite some time after I finished it. Columbia is gorgeous, the way it is introduced in the opening stages of the game is magnificent and the way that is extended throughout the game is also great . The gameplay highlight are the Sky-line combat arenas due to the situations that would arise in them. The game's individual parts are already fantastic, technically as well as artistically, and yet I still feel like the end result is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Mii said:
Infinite shows what is possible in modern-day gaming presentation. I absolutely adore the imagination put into this game and use of twisted Americana to create Columbia. Was an absolute thrill to play through, and I typically don't care for the FPS genre.


03. Grand Theft Auto V = 1058 points, 38 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Phire Phox said:
Overall, a simply brilliant game. Engaging and interesting characters, refined and intuitive shooting mechanics, slick driving mechanics, tons of extra missions and mini-games to partake in. Its clear Rockstar North went the extra mile to make sure if facet of GTA V worked and boy did they nail it. It's a once-in-a-generation type of game.
Fjordson said:
...The fantastic ambient score, the ability to control a trio of characters, the improved checkpointing, the stranger missions from Red Dead. It's quite simply Rockstar at the top of their game, taking cues from all of their past titles and fitting it all together perfectly in one package. A package that ends up being one of the best open-world games around.
Andrew. said:
While the world of San Andreas was enough to melt my eyes, it was the story and character development of Trevor, Franklin and Michael that I was sucked into the most. Some prime voice acting from most notably Steven Ogg and a soundtrack that introduced me to many new musicians, made this particular experience a memory not soon forgotten.


04. Super Mario 3D World = 915 points, 14 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Timeaisis said:
If I went back in time and asked my 12-year old self what I wanted the future of Mario games to be, I think I'd come up with something like this. SM3DW has enough new mechanics to build five games around, but nothing overstays its welcome and every level is fresh, new and most of all fun.
Kevtones said:
If there is a cult of Nintendo, consider this a reiteration of its mission statement. Perhaps one of the finer deliveries of 'games as art' I've encountered . This game evokes something not found elsewhere and for the first time in awhile, that evocation has nothing to do with nostalgia.
eXistor said:
Quite simply: this is pure, unfiltered Mario, the likes of which we haven't seen since Super Mario Bros. 3. It's the complete package: wonderfully diverse levels, tight controls, multiple characters, killer soundtrack. It's the most fun I've had this year and I have confidence this will be regarded as one of the greatest videogames in recent times.


05. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds = 905 points, 16 honorable mentions

GAF said:
EatChildren said:
A Link Between Worlds is probably the first big step Nintendo has taken in a very long time to drastically influence the pacing and structure of a Zelda game to give the search a fresh breath of life. And it works. A snappy pacing has you rapidly moving in and out of dungeons and through the overworld with rarely a moment of down time. Fragmented dungeon pacing makes them feel almost like an extension of the overworld itself, rather than checkpointed stopgaps on a new leg of the journey, both the dungeons and overworld making heavy use of simple puzzle solving to keep you stimulated and thinking. Room to grow, but great steps in the right direction from the Zelda teams.
Yuterald said:
I was treated to was one of the most compacted, well paced, and tightly designed Zelda experiences I've ever played. I'm going to stress the word here because I don't think I've ever played a single game with better pacing. I mean, holy shit, does this game flow like water .
stupei said:
I've always enjoyed Zelda games, but never been totally obsessed like some people I know. This one is different. I want to find everything -- every single secret and hidden heart piece -- and while I'm a busy person who usually doesn't shy away from looking up hints when I find myself frustrated during the limited time I have to play games, something about this experience has left me wanting to keep it "pure" as much as possible. That might mean that I'm taking a longer time to get through the game, but I really don't mind. It's been worth it.


06. Fire Emblem Awakening = 795 points, 21 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Emerson said:
This was my first Fire Emblem game, and it couldn't have made a much better impression. A lot of comparisons have been made to XCOM, and while I could see that being annoying to long-term fans of the series it isn't too far off. This game did an even better job than XCOM of fostering an attachment to my troops, to the point where losing any of my main fighters was an unthinkable proposition. I also really enjoyed playing matchmaker among them. The game is challenging at times, lengthy without feeling bloated, with a great art style and solid mechanics. One of the best titles currently available on its platform.
RADRAD said:
Every mechanic that made this franchise both great and unique, is being brought to the table like never before. Romantic relationships leading to points where you can eventually bring your own offspring into the army, yet another video game soundtrack being an utter delight for the ears, and some of the most memorable characters in Fire Emblem's grand history.


07. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance = 586 points, 22 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Betty said:
An exhilarating, memorable, confident action game that only makes the idea of a sequel without the messy development history an exciting prospect. The fantastic soundtrack kicking in during pivotal boss fight moments is genius.
Kusagari said:
I knew that Rising was going to be my #1 immediately after I finished the game. No game this year had me more in awe of not just what was on screen, but what I was doing on screen. The game succeeds completely in making you feel like a badass. Rising provides another excellent combat system from Platinum, bosses that remind you of a time when boss fights weren't mostly just a chore and the most awesomely ridiculous metal soundtrack ever. Rising doesn't bother with the bloat of some other games, it's short and sweet. The main goal by Platinum was clearly to provide a nonstop thrill ride that never cease to be fun; and they succeeded in spades.


08. Tomb Raider = 486 points, 39 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Slixshot said:
This game blew me away. I will be the first to admit that I wrote this game off prior to release. With so many delays, a random actress, and what appeared to be merely uncharted with a girl skin: this game had nothing going for it in my mind. I was so wrong. The story was awesome , gameplay was far superior to any uncharted, and was graphically beautiful.
Tonguer said:
I always liked the Tomb Raider series and the title character, but I couldn't get through them. This felt like the Tomb Raider I always wanted it to be, an adventure that was a great thrill ride and entertaining through the end. The only game this year that, as soon as the credits rolled, I re-entered the world just to enjoy a bit more gameplay.


09. Tearaway = 454 points, 18 honorable mentions

GAF said:
haikira said:
This is a game where you poke, pinch, shake, use the camera and perform all manner of peculiar methods to interact with the game. Astoundingly though, none of it ever feels like a cheap gimmick and infact, it all works magnificently well. It's game, that's constantly introducing new gameplay mechanics, different forms of puzzles and a variety of scenery, always keeping the game fresh. It's an imaginative and fun experience, one that never wears out it's welcome and is a joy to play from start to finish.
Amir0x said:
... one of the most effective and moving game experiences I've had in a long, long time. From its beautiful and completely original papercraft art direction to its wondrous photography system, from its inspired Vita functionality usages and its surprisingly tight platforming by the end, this is a game that demands a lasting impression from you and most of the time, if you participate, it will get that. It reminds me of what is possible in this little medium of ours.


10. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag = 437 points, 21 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Revan said:
Finally, Ubisoft went back to the roots of what made the AC games great. This is the best one since 2/BroHood and it shows. The time period is near and dear to my heart and being able to virtually walk around Nassau during the Golden Age of Piracy was a dream. The naval combat is excellent and I really liked Edward Kenway - they nailed the pirate life perfectly and what it did to people.
saveweyard said:
The best Assassin's Creed game, the best pirate game I've ever played. Great characters, and ship combat was awesome.


11. Pokémon X/Y = 410 points, 25 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Ashodin said:
The pinnacle, IMO, of the starting and returning Pokemon player experience. As an old player all the way since R/B/Y, I was delighted to see old and new Pokemon alike in this title, and the music and battles are refreshing. It is literally stunning to see all the old Pokemon in glorious 3D with 3D models, and the training couldn't be easier.
VRMN said:
Confession time: I had not played a Pokemon game since the original Gold for the GBC. I honestly didn't really care about this one. But three of my friends dragged me into this generation and I can't thank them enough for it. So much nostalgia hit me over the course of this game you probably could have mistaken the grin on my face for that of a 12 year old boy. There's something magical about this series and I'm glad I was brought back into the fold.


12. Dota 2 = 408 points, 7 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Wynnebeck said:
Last time I checked, I had put over 700+ hours into Dota 2, acquired numerous rare items, and probably spent over $250+ in cosmetics for the 100+ heroes that reside in the game. My results? I'm still in Normal tier matches and I'm no closer to getting out of "The Trench" than playing in the next Dreamhack. I don't care though. There is something almost dangerously addicting about Dota 2 that frankly caused me to quit playing for months because it was ruining my schooling. Easy to learn, ridicuously hard to master, overwhelmingly satisfying when you pull out a win from the most unlikeliest of places. Dota 2 is amazing.
Hazaro said:
This shit ain't healthy. I always looked down on MOBAs and did not think I'd enjoy it, but it really is engaging at all phases of the game with always more things to do and think and get better at.


13. The Wonderful 101 = 387 points, 11 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Thoraxes said:
The Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann of video games, I finally broke into the hype of action games. Something midway really clicked for me, and when I achieved a mindset that could clearly see, plan, and excecute my moves in real-time, the game is second to none in terms of delivering a deep and satisfying gameplay. The cast and story are also very unique and well, wonderful. I was fist-pumping so hard by the end of the game, and Tables Turn still triggers a Pavlovian drool elicitation from my mouth and an adrenaline rush through all of my veins every time the tune hit my ears.
brandonh83 said:
I'll be blunt: this is one of the very best games I've ever played. It was also a completely unexpected surprise after not being thrilled with the demo. This is a game that, if you give it the chance, it will very probably blow your mind, much like the Demon's or Dark Souls. They seem a little hard to get into at first, perhaps even a bit inaccessible, but the more you play it the more you "get it" and that's when the appreciation and enjoyment begins to grow, and the game gradually blossoms into what became my most thrilling and memorable gaming experience of the year... This is a game, a production with so much color and life and character that it makes many other things look dull and lifeless by comparison.


14. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons = 336 points, 16 honorable mentions

GAF said:
FateBreaker said:
Wow. During the three or so hours of playing, I experienced a little bit of everything: emotion, fun, sadness, shock, etc. Covered in a beautiful world with some excellent puzzles, I was engaged to discover more of the world and the excellent relationship between the brothers.
Stumpokapow said:
This is easily the most cinematic game this year. It's directed by a film director and it shows. Lots of vistas, very inventive visual imagination. It's a very light puzzle adventure game with some basic platforming elements. It wisely has no real voice acting, falling back on sort of Scandanavian Simlish for the characters to express themselves. It has minimal text. The storytelling is very visual. It has all the elements of a very dark European fairytale. It is very emotional without using words or overly intense sound cues. The sentimentality people feel is earned. The control scheme is so novel, and just uses the analog sticks and the shoulder buttons--this has very important plot consequences and is surprisingly intuitive. It's exactly the right length, it's beautiful to look at , and it tells a story that isn't told all that often in gaming in a simple, plain, and effective way.


15. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch = 325 points, 10 honorable mentions

GAF said:
The_Darkest_Red said:
A perfect example of what I'm looking for in a JRPG, NNK captivated me from start to finish. Sure the battle mechanics could use a bit of tuning and the game gets off to somewhat of a slow start but all of the minor flaws faded into the background for me thanks to the wonderfully realized world, the classic JRPG exploration, the top-tier visual fidelity and artstyle, the great cast of characters, and the solid and thoughtful mechanics. NNK charmed my socks off.
ilnadmy said:
The art style is downright sublime, with the charming and lighthearted Studio Ghibli art direction elevating Ni no Kuni above pretty much any other game I've played this year. There is so much whimsy and personality in the location and character designs that it is hard not to smile when you come across a new city or NPC.


16. Guacamelee! = 317 points, 28 honorable mentions

GAF said:
Prince Vultan said:
Incredibly fun, challenging platformer with a really great visual style. Bit short but the level design is really great, with some really punishing jumping puzzles that were a blast to get through.


17. Pikmin 3 = 287 points, 10 honorable mentions

GAF said:
charlequin said:
I've been a fan of Pikmin since the beginning, but each of the previous games had issues: Pikmin's aggressive time limit made playing it stressful, while Pikmin 2's dungeons made it drag on and left the game with too many tedious segments. Pikmin 3 is a perfect midpoint between the two: a more forgiving time limit and a better-designed set of objectives, combined with new mechanical improvements, make it the best-playing and most enjoyable game in the franchise.


18. Animal Crossing: New Leaf = 281 points, 17 honorable mentions

GAF said:
braves01 said:
It's a slow burn, but seeing your town or house come together the way you want it after weeks or months of planning is especially rewarding. However, part of what made this game so rewarding for me to play was the AC community here on GAF who have been active and helpful ever since I got the game. Playing with the community really helps the game shine and I encourage everyone interested to post over in that thread.


19. Gone Home = 278 points, 18 honorable mentions

GAF said:
AniHawk said:
Unlike a lot of western-made, story-based games, this one stuck with me. for a game that has an emotional core which the story revolves around, it's removed from the emotional manipulation usually seen in games . i don't normally care for this sort of thing. the difference is the design. gone home is wonderfully designed.


20. Papers, Please = 275 points, 24 honorable mentions

GAF said:
stupei said:
I recommended this game to friends. I recommended this game to friends several times, and yet few ever took me up on my suggestion because it's almost impossible to express how and why this game is so phenomenal. The banality of your actions and how that juxtaposes with their essentially sinister undertone might sound simple or boring, but it is anything but. This game impacted me in ways few ever have.

Action Game of the Year: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance = 586 points, 22 honorable mentions
2. The Wonderful 101 = 387 points, 11 honorable mentions
3. DmC: Devil May Cry = 184 points, 14 honorable mentions
4. Hotline Miami = 127 points, 6 honorable mentions
5. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist = 111 points, 5 honorable mentions


Adventure Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto V = 1058 points, 38 honorable mentions
2. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds = 905 points, 16 honorable mentions
3. Tomb Raider = 486 points, 39 honorable mentions
4. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag = 437 points, 21 honorable mentions
5. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons = 336 points, 16 honorable mentions


Fighting Game of the Year: Injustice: Gods Among Us = 51 points, 5 honorable mentions
2. Killer Instinct = 34 points, 6 honorable mentions
3. Divekick = 21 points, 1 honorable mention
4. Skullgirls = 16 points
5. BlazBlue: Chronophantasma = 9 points


Fitness Game of the Year: Xbox Fitness = 3 points
2. Wii Fit U = 1 point, 1 honorable mention


FPS Game of the Year: BioShock Infinite = 1080 points, 34 honorable mentions
2. Metro: Last Light = 125 points, 8 honorable mentions
3. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon = 106 points, 13 honorable mentions
4. Battlefield 4 = 97 points, 5 honorable mentions
5. Killzone: Shadow Fall = 88 points, 7 honorable mentions


Horror Game of the Year: The Last of Us = 2268 points, 23 honorable mentions
2. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon = 161 points, 23 honorable mentions
3. Dead Rising 3 = 41 points, 4 honorable mentions
4. Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut = 30 points
5. State of Decay = 23 points, 4 honorable mentions


MMO Game of the Year: Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn = 98 points, 4 honorable mentions
2. Marvel Heroes = 11 points
3. Eve Online: Rubicon = 3 points
4. Guild Wars 2: Flame and Frost: Prelude = 3 points
5. Final Fantasy XI: Seekers of Adoulin = 0 points, 1 honorable mention


Platform Game of the Year: Super Mario 3D World = 915 points, 14 honorable mentions
2. Tearaway = 454 points, 18 honorable mentions
3. Guacamelee! = 317 points, 28 honorable mentions
4. Rayman Legends = 238 points, 19 honorable mentions
5. Spelunky = 170 points, 10 honorable mentions
5. Rogue Legacy = 170 points, 9 honorable mentions


Puzzle Game of the Year: The Swapper = 103 points, 7 honorable mentions
2. Gunpoint = 90 points, 15 honorable mentions
3. Antichamber = 85 points, 3 honorable mentions
4. Toki Tori 2 = 23 points
5. Thomas Was Alone = 13 points, 2 honorable mentions


Racing Game of the Year: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed = 60 points, 5 honorable mentions
2. Gran Turismo 6 = 53 points, 3 honorable mentions
3. Need for Speed Rivals = 28 points, 2 honorable mentions
4. Forza Motorsport 5 = 21 points
5. 3D Super Hang-On = 5 points, 2 honorable mentions
5. Asphalt 8: Airborne = 5 points
5. Race the Sun = 5 points


Rhythm Game of the Year: Rocksmith 2014 = 30 points, 3 honorable mentions
2. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F = 21 points, 2 honorable mentions
3. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2 = 6 points
4. Soundodger+ = 4 points
5. HarmoKnight = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions


RPG of the Year: Fire Emblem Awakening = 795 points, 21 honorable mentions
2. Pokémon X/Y = 410 points, 25 honorable mentions
3. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch = 325 points, 10 honorable mentions
4. Shin Megami Tensei IV = 239 points, 10 honorable mentions
5. Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan = 85 points, 5 honorable mentions


Shooter Game of the Year: Resogun = 221 points, 14 honorable mentions
2. Velocity Ultra = 23 points, 1 honorable mention
3. Do-Don-Pachi Saidaioujou = 13 points, 1 honorable mention
4. Gears of War: Judgment = 12 points
5. Earth Defense Force 3 Portable = 8 points


Simulation Game of the Year: Animal Crossing: New Leaf = 281 points, 17 honorable mentions
2. Papers, Please = 275 points, 24 honorable mentions
3. Attack of the Friday Monsters! = 19 points, 4 honorable mentions
4. Surgeon Simulator 2013 = 9 points, 2 honorable mentions
5. Cook, Serve, Delicious! = 7 points, 2 honorable mentions


Sports Game of the Year: FIFA 14 = 32 points, 1 honorable mention
2. MLB 13: The Show = 17 points, 2 honorable mentions
3. NBA 2K14 = 16 points, 3 honorable mentions
4. Football Manager 2014 = 14 points
5. NHL 14 = 3 points, 1 honorable mention


Strategy Game of the Year: Dota 2 = 408 points, 7 honorable mentions
2. Pikmin 3 = 287 points, 10 honorable mentions
3. Europa Universalis IV = 95 points, 2 honorable mentions
4. Civilization V: Brave New World = 87 points, 5 honorable mentions
5. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm = 58 points, 1 honorable mention


PC Exclusive Game of the Year: Dota 2 = 408 points, 7 honorable mentions
2. Gone Home = 278 points, 18 honorable mentions
3. Papers, Please = 275 points, 24 honorable mentions

Playstation 3 Exclusive Game of the Year: The Last of Us = 2268 points, 23 honorable mentions
2. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch = 325 points, 10 honorable mentions
3. Beyond: Two Souls = 159 points, 14 honorable mentions

Playstation 4 Exclusive Game of the Year: Resogun = 221 points, 14 honorable mentions
2. Killzone: Shadow Fall = 88 points, 7 honorable mentions
3. Knack = 21 points, 4 honorable mentions

Xbox 360 Exclusive Game of the Year: Do-Don-Pachi Saidaioujou = 13 points, 1 honorable mention
2. Gears of War: Judgment = 12 points
3. BattleBlock Theater = 11 points, 3 honorable mentions

Xbox One Game of the Year: Dead Rising 3 = 41 points, 4 honorable mentions
2. Killer Instinct = 34 points, 6 honorable mentions
3. Forza Motorsport 5 = 21 points

Wii Exclusive Game of the Year: Pandora's Tower = 7 points, 2 honorable mentions

Wii U Exclusive Game of the Year: Super Mario 3D World = 915 points, 14 honorable mentions
2. The Wonderful 101 = 387 points, 11 honorable mentions
3. Pikmin 3 = 287 points, 10 honorable mentions

3DS Exclusive Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds = 905 points, 16 honorable mentions
2. Fire Emblem Awakening = 795 points, 21 honorable mentions
3. Pokémon X/Y = 410 points, 25 honorable mentions

DS Exclusive Game of the Year: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 = 3 points
2. Nazo no Mini-Game = 1 point

Vita Exclusive Game of the Year: Tearaway = 454 points, 18 honorable mentions
2. Persona 4 Golden = 83 points, 1 honorable mention
3. Soul Sacrifice = 64 points, 9 honorable mentions

PSP Exclusive Game of the Year: Sweet Fuse: At Your Side = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
2. Black Rock Shooter: The Game = 2 points
3. Class of Heroes 2 = 1 point

Mobile Exclusive Game of the Year: Device 6 = 21 points, 1 honorable mention
2. Year Walk = 11 points, 4 honorable mentions
3. Cook, Serve, Delicious! = 7 points, 2 honorable mentions

Arcade Exclusive Game of the Year: Crimzon Clover = 3 points
2. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Arcade: Future Tone = 0 points, 1 honorable mention

Multiplatform Game of the Year: BioShock Infinite = 1080 points, 34 honorable mentions
2. Grand Theft Auto V = 1058 points, 38 honorable mentions
3. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance = 586 points, 22 honorable mentions

Downloadable/DD Game of the Year: Dota 2 = 408 points, 7 honorable mentions
2. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons = 336 points, 16 honorable mentions
3. Guacamelee! = 317 points, 28 honorable mentions

Handheld Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds = 905 points, 16 honorable mentions
Cartman86 said:
The only Zelda game i've managed to play through since Twilight Princess. Streamlined is a key word for me with this game. The story is brief, character conversations are rare and last a couple text boxes. Navigating the map is quick and rewarding. Being able to tackle the dungeons in whichever order you want does something to my brain and the sticking to walls mechanic is no gimmick.

02. Fire Emblem Awakening = 795 points, 21 honorable mentions
Krafter said:
Probably my favourite FE game to date, and that's saying something. Intelligent Systems continues to be the most underrated developer in the World.

03. Tearaway = 454 points, 18 honorable mentions
SmokyDave said:
Charming, original, makes great use of all the stuff they chucked into the Vita. An eminently memorable experience with the second best soundtrack of the year.

04. Pokémon X/Y = 410 points, 25 honorable mentions
NathanCX said:
This game finally made me bite on a 2DS and my Lord was it worth it. As a long-time fan of the Pokémon games I believe that this is the biggest leap the games have seen in a long time, I did worry about the new 3D world but I absolutely adore it and the battle have never looked better. This game is exactly what I dreamed a Pokémon game would one day be and, on top of all of that, it is the first game to put the right number of Pokemon in patches of grass, I always feel like I'm finding something new.

05. Animal Crossing: New Leaf = 281 points, 17 honorable mentions
Hyperactivity said:
My life is lost. I am addicted. The game is amazing.

06. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies = 250 points, 13 honorable mentions
Maragidyne said:
I was incredibly skeptical, considering it's Capcom and that the previous AA game was Apollo Justice. Apart from its cutscenes, this game was a joy to play through and its newly introduced main characters are surprisingly well written and lovable.

07. Shin Megami Tensei IV = 239 points, 10 honorable mentions
Zero-Crescent said:
There are so many ways that this game succeeds, mostly due to the way the story switches gears early on, going from a straight-up dungeon-crawler to a more-open world with, more of a focus on side-quests to progress the main quest. The 3D exploration has you in visually interesting environments as you explore ruined areas, the 2D artwork in battle/negotiation looks fantastic, and the computer/technological elements look nice when they pop up. Most of all, it's nice to see another Shin Megami Tensei where your choices are tracked throughout determine what ending path you go on. Will you keep order as a Samurai, or will you start anew?

08. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon = 161 points, 23 honorable mentions
NMFried said:
I didn't think this game could work well on a handheld with only once analog stick, but Nintendo once again proves me wrong. This game worked wonderfully, and the controls were extremely tight for what they were, and this made for a joy of a playthrough. I want more.

09. Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan = 85 points, 5 honorable mentions
zashga said:
Another lovely, lonely installment in my favorite original series of the past decade. The live recorded music, 3D cel-shaded monsters, and a more piecemeal labyrinth structure are all departures from past entries. In the end, the game is stronger for it, and this is my favorite Etrian Odyssey game yet.

10. Persona 4 Golden = 83 points, 1 honorable mention
Sendou said:
Persona 4 Golden is not quite like anything else. It's easy to see why this game has such a huge following all over this forum. During the between 50 and 100 hours this game takes you it's just inevitable that you will form a certain connection with the cast that is not comparable to any other video game out there. While being very exaggerated you can feel that these are genuinely believable characters. I also like how the game doesn't waste time hiding the fact that it takes place in Japan. It is yet another part of what makes this game so special.

Action Game of the Year: Hotline Miami = 127 points, 6 honorable mentions
2. Dynasty Warriors 8 = 13 points, 1 honorable mention
3. Senran Kagura Burst = 12 points, 2 honorable mentions

Adventure Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds = 905 points, 16 honorable mentions
2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies = 250 points, 13 honorable mentions
3. Dragon's Crown = 159 points, 12 honorable mentions

Fighting Game of the Year: Injustice: Gods Among Us = 51 points, 5 honorable mentions
2. Divekick = 21 points, 1 honorable mention
3. Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core Plus R = 4 points

FPS Game of the Year: Killzone: Mercenary = 57 points, 5 honorable mentions

Horror Game of the Year: Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon = 161 points, 23 honorable mentions
2. StreetPass: Monster Manor = 8 points, 2 honorable mentions

Platform Game of the Year: Tearaway = 454 points, 18 honorable mentions
2. Guacamelee! = 317 points, 28 honorable mentions
3. Rayman Legends = 238 points, 19 honorable mentions

Puzzle Game of the Year: Thomas Was Alone = 13 points, 2 honorable mentions
2. Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign = 9 points
3. Super Hexagon = 6 points, 3 honorable mentions

Racing Game of the Year: Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed = 60 points, 5 honorable mentions
2. 3D Super Hang-On = 5 points, 2 honorable mentions
3. Asphalt 8: Airborne = 5 points

Rhythm Game of the Year: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F = 21 points, 2 honorable mentions
2. Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2 = 6 points
3. HarmoKnight = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions

RPG Game of the Year: Fire Emblem Awakening = 795 points, 21 honorable mentions
2. Pokémon X/Y = 410 points, 25 honorable mentions
3. Shin Megami Tensei IV = 239 points, 10 honorable mentions

Shooter Game of the Year: Velocity Ultra = 23 points, 1 honorable mention
2. Earth Defense Force 3 Portable = 8 points
3. 3D Galaxy Force II = 6 points, 1 honorable mention

Simulation Game of the Year: Animal Crossing: New Leaf = 281 points, 17 honorable mentions
2. Attack of the Friday Monsters! = 19 points, 4 honorable mentions
3. Cook, Serve, Delicious! = 7 points, 2 honorable mentions

Sports Game of the Year: FIFA 14 = 32 points, 1 honorable mention
2. MLB 13: The Show = 17 points, 2 honorable mentions
3. NBA 2K14 = 16 points, 3 honorable mentions

Strategy Game of the Year: Shadowrun Returns = 26 points, 3 honorable mentions
2. Project X Zone = 9 points
3. Magic 2014 = 7 points, 1 honorable mention

Digital Distribution Game of the Year: Dota 2 = 408 points, 7 honorable mentions
02. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons = 336 points, 16 honorable mentions
03. Guacamelee! = 317 points, 28 honorable mentions
04. Papers, Please = 275 points, 24 honorable mentions
05. Resogun = 221 points, 14 honorable mentions
06. The Stanley Parable = 176 points, 21 honorable mentions
07. Spelunky = 170 points, 10 honorable mentions
08. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon = 106 points, 13 honorable mentions
09. The Swapper = 103 points, 7 honorable mentions
10. Gunpoint = 90 points, 15 honorable mentions

LTTP Award
The Top 20 games from yesteryear that people played in 2013.

01. Persona 4: The Golden (38)
02. Sleeping Dogs (24)
03. XCOM: Enemy Unknown (22)
03. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (22)
05. Far Cry 3 (20)
05. Journey (20)
07. Dark Souls (19)
08. Hotline Miami (18)
09. Dishonored (16)
10. Xenoblade Chronicles (11)
11. The Walking Dead (10)
11. FTL: Faster Than Light (10)
11. Borderlands 2 (10)
14. Spelunky (9)
14. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (9)
14. New Super Mario Bros. U (9)
17. Kid Icarus: Uprising (8)
17. Spec Ops: The Line (8)
19. Dragon's Dogma (7)
20. Gravity Rush (6)
20. Fez (6)
20. Forza Horizon (6)
20. Super Hexagon (6)

Widespread Appeal Award
The top 20 games ranked by number of appearances in ballots.
01. The Last of Us (694)
02. BioShock Infinite (471)
03. Grand Theft Auto V (419)
04. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (354)
05. Super Mario 3D World (334)
06. Fire Emblem Awakening (313)
07. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (253)
08. Tomb Raider (250)
09. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (200)
10. Pokemon X/Y (199)
11. Tearaway (197)
12. Guacamelee! (178)
13. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (162)
14. The Wonderful 101 (154)
15. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (148)
16. Animal Crossing: New Leaf (147)
17. Pikmin 3 (142)
18. Papers, Please (138)
19. Rayman Legends (133)
20. Dota 2 (131)
20. Gone Home (131)

Passion Award
The top 20 games ranked by quantity of scores of "4" awarded in ballots.
01. The Last of Us (376)
02. Super Mario 3D World (78)
03. Fire Emblem Awakening (66)
04. Dota 2 (65)
05. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (58)
06. BioShock Infinite (51)
07. Grand Theft Auto V (49)
08. The Wonderful 101 (36)
09. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (31)
10. Shin Megami Tensei IV (24)
11. Tearaway (18)
12. Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (16)
12. Pokemon X/Y (16)
14. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (15)
15. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (13)
15. Europa Universalis IV (13)
17. Gone Home (12)
18. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (12)
19. Spelunky (11)
20. Tomb Raider (10)

Best New IP Award
The top 20 games that do not belong to a preexisting franchise.
01. The Last of Us
02. Tearaway
03. The Wonderful 101
04. Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
05. Guacamelee!
06. Gone Home
07. Papers, Please
08. Resogun
09. The Stanley Parable
10. Spelunky
11. Rogue Legacy
12. Beyond: Two Souls
13. Dragon's Crown
14. Hotline Miami
15. The Swapper
16. Gunpoint
17. Antichamber
18. Puppeteer
19. Bravely Default
20. Volgarr the Viking

High Quality Award
The top 20 games with at least 10 appearances, ranked by Average Points per Appearance
01. The Last of Us (3.29)
02. Dota 2 (3.11)
03. Europa Universalis IV (2.80)
04. Super Mario 3D World (2.74)
05. Persona 4 Golden (2.59)
06. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (2.56)
07. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (2.55)
08. Fire Emblem Awakening (2.54)
09. Grand Theft Auto V (2.53)
10. The Wonderful 101 (2.51)
11. Shin Megami Tensei IV (2.41)
12. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (2.41)
13. Path of Exile (2.38)
14. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (2.36)
15. Final Fantasy IV: A Realm Reborn (2.33)
16. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2.32)
17. Rocksmith 2014 (2.31)
18. Toki Tori 2 (2.30)
19. BioShock Infinite (2.29)
20. Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (2.24)

Seal of Quality Award
The top 10 publishers for the year, based on total number of points for all their titles.

01. Nintendo = 4471 points, 200 honorable mentions, 31 titles
02. Sony = 3630 points, 127 honorable mentions, 19 titles
03. 2K = 1237 points, 48 honorable mentions, 7 titles
04. Rockstar = 1058 points, 38 honorable mentions, 1 title
05. Ubisoft = 1009 points, 72 honorable mentions, 13 titles
06. Capcom = 841 points, 62 honorable mentions, 12 titles
07. Square-Enix = 729 points, 56 honorable mentions, 9 titles
08. Konami = 604 points, 22 honorable mentions, 3 titles
09. Atlus = 540 points, 34 honorable mentions, 6 titles
10. Namco-Bandai = 451 points, 28 honorable mentions, 12 titles


General Stats
Number of users: 1265
Number of ballots: 1165
Votes counted: 7814
Points awarded: 18233

Ballot length
10 titles - 597 (51.24464%)
9 titles - 82 (7.038627%)
8 titles - 60 (5.150215%)
7 titles - 74 (6.351931%)
6 titles - 57 (4.892704%)
5 titles - 110 (9.44206%)
4 titles - 50 (4.291845%)
3 titles - 52 (4.463519%)
2 titles - 34 (2.918455%)
1 title - 49 (4.206008%)

Exclusivity Data
The following data attempts to give a rough picture of how many ballots leaned heavily exclusive to one platform holder or another.
Data is presented as: % of ballots (raw number)

>50% Sony Exclusive: 12.44635% (145)
>80% Sony Exclusive: 2.918455% (34)
100% Sony Exclusive: 2.48927% (29)

>50% Nintendo Exclusive: 22.48927% (262)
>80% Nintendo Exclusive: 5.407725% (63)
100% Nintendo Exclusive: 1.974249% (23)

>50% Microsoft Exclusive: 0.2575107% (3)
>80% Microsoft Exclusive: 0.08583691% (1)
100% Microsoft Exclusive: 0.08583691% (1)

>50% PC Exclusive: 7.725322%(90)
>80% PC Exclusive: 1.802575% (21)
100% PC Exclusive: 1.716738% (20)

>50% Multiplatform Exclusive: 41.37339% (482)
>80% Multiplatform Exclusive: 6.180257% (72)
100% Multiplatform Exclusive: 1.373391% (16)

% of ballots with at least one Sony exclusive: 73.21889% (853)
% of ballots with at least one Nintendo exclusive: 59.48498% (693)
% of ballots with at least one Microsoft exclusive: 5.751073% (67)
% of ballots with at least one PC exclusive: 47.03863% (548)
% of ballots with at least one Multiplatform game: 90.4721% (1054)

Microsoft exclusive points allocated: 0.8214898% (163)
Nintendo exclusive points allocated: 26.57494% (5273)
Sony exclusive points allocated: 21.68632% (4303)
PC exclusive points allocated: 11.84356% (2350)
Multiplatform points allocated: 38.15644% (7571)
Apple exclusive points allocated: 0.2318315% (46)
Android exclusive points allocated: 0% (0)
Arcade exclusive points allocated: 0.01511944%% (3)

Digital Distribution Frequency
Data pertaining to the number of digitally distributed (download-only) titles were voted on.
Data is presented as % of ballots, (raw number)

Ballots containing at least one download-only title: 66.78111% (778)
Appearances of download-only titles: 18.25598% (1656)
Points allocated to download-only titles: 15.93589% (3162)
Tally Chart - Points Over Time

Full Statistics Download Here, Including Affinity Data and Recommendations

Overall Rankings
Here are all of the titles that received at least 2 points.

1. [PS3] The Last of Us (Horror) = 2268 points, 23 honorable mentions
2. [360][PS3][PC] BioShock Infinite (FPS) = 1080 points, 34 honorable mentions
3. [360][PS3] Grand Theft Auto V (Adventure) = 1058 points, 38 honorable mentions
4. [NWU] Super Mario 3D World (Platform) = 915 points, 14 honorable mentions
5. [3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (Adventure) = 905 points, 16 honorable mentions
6. [3DS] Fire Emblem Awakening (RPG) = 795 points, 21 honorable mentions
7. [360][PS3] Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Action) = 586 points, 22 honorable mentions
8. [360][PS3][PC] Tomb Raider (Adventure) = 486 points, 39 honorable mentions
9. [PSV] Tearaway (Platform) = 454 points, 18 honorable mentions
10. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][NWU][PC] Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (Adventure) = 437 points, 21 honorable mentions
11. [3DS] Pokémon X/Y (RPG) = 410 points, 25 honorable mentions
12. [PC] Dota 2 (Strategy) = 408 points, 7 honorable mentions
13. [NWU] The Wonderful 101 (Action) = 387 points, 11 honorable mentions
14. [360][PS3][PC] Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (Adventure) = 336 points, 16 honorable mentions
15. [PS3] Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (RPG) = 325 points, 10 honorable mentions
16. [PS3][PSV][PC] Guacamelee! (Platform) = 317 points, 28 honorable mentions
17. [NWU] Pikmin 3 (Strategy) = 287 points, 10 honorable mentions
18. [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf (Simulation) = 281 points, 17 honorable mentions
19. [PC] Gone Home (Adventure) = 278 points, 18 honorable mentions
20. [PC] Papers, Please (Simulation) = 275 points, 24 honorable mentions
21. [3DS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies (Adventure) = 250 points, 13 honorable mentions
22. [3DS] Shin Megami Tensei IV (RPG) = 239 points, 10 honorable mentions
23. [360][XB1][PS3][PSV][PS4][NWU][PC] Rayman Legends (Platform) = 238 points, 19 honorable mentions
24. [PS4] Resogun (Shooter) = 221 points, 14 honorable mentions
25. [360][PS3][PC] Saints Row IV (Adventure) = 188 points, 14 honorable mentions
26. [360][PS3][PC] DmC: Devil May Cry (Action) = 184 points, 14 honorable mentions
27. [360][PS3] Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (Adventure) = 178 points, 6 honorable mentions
28. [PC] The Stanley Parable (Adventure) = 176 points, 21 honorable mentions
29. [PS3][PSV][PC] Spelunky (Platform) = 170 points, 10 honorable mentions
30. [PC] Rogue Legacy (Platform) = 170 points, 9 honorable mentions
31. [3DS] Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (Horror) = 161 points, 23 honorable mentions
32. [PS3] Beyond: Two Souls (Adventure) = 159 points, 14 honorable mentions
33. [PS3][PSV] Dragon's Crown (Adventure) = 159 points, 12 honorable mentions
34. [NWU][3DS] Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Adventure) = 153 points, 5 honorable mentions
35. [PS3][PSV][PC] Hotline Miami (Action) = 127 points, 6 honorable mentions
36. [360][PS3][PC] Metro: Last Light (FPS) = 125 points, 8 honorable mentions
37. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist (Action) = 111 points, 5 honorable mentions
38. [NWU] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Adventure) = 106 points, 18 honorable mentions
39. [360][PS3][PC] Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon (FPS) = 106 points, 13 honorable mentions
40. [PC] The Swapper (Puzzle) = 103 points, 7 honorable mentions
41. [PS3][PC] Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn (MMO) = 98 points, 4 honorable mentions
42. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Battlefield 4 (FPS) = 97 points, 5 honorable mentions
43. [PC] Europa Universalis IV (Strategy) = 95 points, 2 honorable mentions
44. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Batman: Arkham Origins (Adventure) = 90 points, 17 honorable mentions
45. [PC] Gunpoint (Puzzle) = 90 points, 15 honorable mentions
46. [PS4] Killzone: Shadow Fall (FPS) = 88 points, 7 honorable mentions
47. [PC] Civilization V: Brave New World (Strategy) = 87 points, 5 honorable mentions
48. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan (RPG) = 85 points, 5 honorable mentions
49. [PC] Antichamber (Puzzle) = 85 points, 3 honorable mentions
50. [PSV] Persona 4 Golden (RPG) = 83 points, 1 honorable mention
51. [PS3] Tales of Xillia (RPG) = 82 points, 14 honorable mentions
52. [PS3] Puppeteer (Platform) = 81 points, 11 honorable mentions
53. [3DS] Bravely Default (RPG) = 79 points, 8 honorable mentions
54. [360][PS3][PC] Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (FPS) = 69 points, 9 honorable mentions
55. [PC] Volgarr the Viking (Platform) = 66 points, 7 honorable mentions
56. [PSV] Soul Sacrifice (Adventure) = 64 points, 9 honorable mentions
57. [PC] Path of Exile (Adventure) = 62 points, 1 honorable mention
58. [3DS][PC] Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Racing) = 60 points, 5 honorable mentions
59. [PC] StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm (Strategy) = 58 points, 1 honorable mention
60. [PSV] Killzone: Mercenary (FPS) = 57 points, 5 honorable mentions
61. [PS3] God of War: Ascension (Action) = 54 points, 8 honorable mentions
62. [NWU] New Super Luigi U (Platform) = 53 points, 9 honorable mentions
63. [PS3] Gran Turismo 6 (Racing) = 53 points, 3 honorable mentions
64. [360][PS3][PSV][PS4][NWU][PC] Injustice: Gods Among Us (Fighting) = 51 points, 5 honorable mentions
65. [360][PS3] Diablo III (RPG) = 49 points
66. [NWU] Lego City Undercover (Adventure) = 48 points, 6 honorable mentions
67. [360][PS3][PC] XCOM: Enemy Within (Strategy) = 48 points, 4 honorable mentions
68. [PS3] Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix (RPG) = 44 points
69. [XB1] Dead Rising 3 (Horror) = 41 points, 4 honorable mentions
70. [3DS] Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (RPG) = 41 points, 3 honorable mentions
71. [PS3] Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus (Platform) = 41 points, 2 honorable mentions
72. [360][PS3][PSV][NWU][PC] Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Platform) = 39 points, 11 honorable mentions
73. [360][PS3][PC] Remember Me (Adventure) = 36 points, 10 honorable mentions
74. [XB1] Killer Instinct (Fighting) = 34 points, 6 honorable mentions
75. [PSV] Ys: Memories of Celceta (RPG) = 34 points, 3 honorable mentions
76. [3DS] Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (Platform) = 33 points, 2 honorable mentions
77. [360][PS3] Killer Is Dead (Action) = 33 points, 1 honorable mention
78. [PC] Shadow Warrior (FPS) = 32 points, 1 honorable mention
79. [360][XB1][PSP][PS3][PSV][PS4][WII][3DS][PC][IOS][AND] FIFA 14 (Sports) = 32 points, 1 honorable mention
80. [PS3][PSV] Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (Platform) = 31 points, 2 honorable mentions
81. [360][PS3] Anarchy Reigns (Action) = 31 points, 2 honorable mentions
82. [360][PS3][PC] Rocksmith 2014 (Rhythm) = 30 points, 3 honorable mentions
83. [PS3][PC] Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut (Horror) = 30 points
84. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC] Need for Speed Rivals (Racing) = 28 points, 2 honorable mentions
85. [PSV] Muramasa Rebirth (Adventure) = 28 points, 2 honorable mentions
86. [PC] Risk of Rain (Adventure) = 27 points, 1 honorable mention
87. [3DS] Mario and Luigi: Dream Team (RPG) = 26 points, 7 honorable mentions
88. [PC][IOS][AND] Shadowrun Returns (Strategy) = 26 points, 3 honorable mentions
89. [360][PS3][PC] Dead Space 3 (FPS) = 25 points, 4 honorable mentions
90. [PS3] Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk (RPG) = 25 points
91. [360][PS3][PC] Payday 2 (FPS) = 24 points, 6 honorable mentions
92. [3DS][PC] SteamWorld Dig (Platform) = 23 points, 5 honorable mentions
93. [360][PC] State of Decay (Horror) = 23 points, 4 honorable mentions
94. [PSV][PC] Velocity Ultra (Shooter) = 23 points, 1 honorable mention
95. [NWU][PC] Toki Tori 2 (Puzzle) = 23 points
96. [PS4] Knack (Platform) = 21 points, 4 honorable mentions
97. [PS3][PSV] Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F (Rhythm) = 21 points, 2 honorable mentions
98. [IOS] Device 6 (Adventure) = 21 points, 1 honorable mention
99. [PS3][PSV][PC] Divekick (Fighting) = 21 points, 1 honorable mention
100. [XB1] Forza Motorsport 5 (Racing) = 21 points
101. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] DuckTales: Remastered (Platform) = 19 points, 7 honorable mentions
102. [3DS] Attack of the Friday Monsters! (Simulation) = 19 points, 4 honorable mentions
103. [PC] Dust: An Elysian Tail (Adventure) = 19 points, 3 honorable mentions
104. [PC] Don't Starve (Adventure) = 19 points, 2 honorable mentions
105. [NWU] NES Remix (Action) = 18 points, 9 honorable mentions
106. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][NWU][PC] Call of Duty: Ghosts (FPS) = 18 points, 4 honorable mentions
107. [PC] The Typing of the Dead: Overkill (Horror) = 17 points, 3 honorable mentions
108. [360][XB1][PS3][PSV][PS4][NDS][NWU][3DS][PC] Lego Marvel Super Heroes (Adventure) = 17 points, 2 honorable mentions
109. [PS3][PSV] MLB 13: The Show (Sports) = 17 points, 2 honorable mentions
110. [PS3] The Guided Fate Paradox (RPG) = 17 points
111. [360][PS3][PC][IOS] Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Platform) = 16 points, 4 honorable mentions
112. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][PC][IOS][AND] NBA 2K14 (Sports) = 16 points, 3 honorable mentions
113. [PC] Fez (Platform) = 16 points, 2 honorable mentions
114. [PC] Skullgirls (Fighting) = 16 points
115. [PC] Valdis Story: Abyssal City (Action) = 15 points
116. [360][PS3][PC] Crysis 3 (FPS) = 14 points, 2 honorable mentions
117. [360][PS3][PC] Mass Effect 3: Citadel (RPG) = 14 points, 1 honorable mention
118. [PSV][PC][IOS][AND] Football Manager 2014 (Sports) = 14 points
119. [360][PC] Monaco: What's Yours is Mine (Action) = 13 points, 3 honorable mentions
120. [PS3][PSV][PC] Thomas Was Alone (Puzzle) = 13 points, 2 honorable mentions
121. [360] Do-Don-Pachi Saidaioujou (Shooter) = 13 points, 1 honorable mention
122. [360][PS3][PSV] Dynasty Warriors 8 (Action) = 13 points, 1 honorable mention
123. [360][PS3][PC] Zeno Clash II (Adventure) = 13 points
124. [3DS] Senran Kagura Burst (Action) = 12 points, 2 honorable mentions
125. [360] Gears of War: Judgment (Shooter) = 12 points
126. [IOS] Year Walk (Adventure) = 11 points, 4 honorable mentions
127. [360] BattleBlock Theater (Platform) = 11 points, 3 honorable mentions
128. [360][PS3][NWU][PC][IOS] The Cave (Platform) = 11 points, 3 honorable mentions
129. [PC] Marvel Heroes (MMO) = 11 points
130. [PC] Rise of the Triad (FPS) = 11 points
131. [PC] Desktop Dungeons (RPG) = 11 points
132. [PS3] Rain (Adventure) = 10 points, 4 honorable mentions
133. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut (RPG) = 10 points, 2 honorable mentions
134. [PC] Ys I & II Chronicles+ (RPG) = 9 points, 3 honorable mentions
135. [PS3][PSV] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 (Action) = 9 points, 2 honorable mentions
136. [PC] Surgeon Simulator 2013 (Simulation) = 9 points, 2 honorable mentions
137. [PS3][PSV][PC][IOS][AND] Stealth Bastard Deluxe: Tactical Espionage Arsehole (Platform) = 9 points, 1 honorable mention
138. [3DS] Rune Factory 4 (RPG) = 9 points
139. [PS3] BlazBlue: Chronophantasma (Fighting) = 9 points
140. [PS3][PSV][PC] Proteus (Adventure) = 9 points
141. [3DS] Project X Zone (Strategy) = 9 points
142. [PC][IOS][AND] Marvel Puzzle Quest: Dark Reign (Puzzle) = 9 points
143. [PC] Outlast (Horror) = 9 points
144. [XB1] Ryse: Son of Rome (Action) = 9 points
145. [PS3] Disgaea Dimension 2 (RPG) = 8 points, 3 honorable mentions
146. [PC] Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod (Adventure) = 8 points, 2 honorable mentions
147. [3DS] StreetPass: Monster Manor (Horror) = 8 points, 2 honorable mentions
148. [360][PS3][NWU][PC] Resident Evil: Revelaitons HD (Horror) = 8 points, 2 honorable mentions
149. [PS3] Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (RPG) = 8 points, 1 honorable mention
150. [PC] Trials Evolution (Platform) = 8 points
151. [PSV] Earth Defense Force 3 Portable (Shooter) = 8 points
152. [WII] Pandora's Tower (RPG) = 7 points, 2 honorable mentions
153. [IOS][AND] Cook, Serve, Delicious! (Simulation) = 7 points, 2 honorable mentions
154. [PS4][PC] Warframe (Shooter) = 7 points, 1 honorable mention
155. [PC][IOS][AND] Magic 2014 (Strategy) = 7 points, 1 honorable mention
156. [PC] Total War: Rome II (Strategy) = 7 points, 1 honorable mention
157. [NWU] Game & Wario (Puzzle) = 7 points, 1 honorable mention
158. [PC] Hate Plus (Adventure) = 7 points
159. [PSV] Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus (Action) = 7 points
160. [360][PS3][PC] Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (Adventure) = 7 points
161. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 (Adventure) = 7 points
162. [PS4] Sound Shapes (Platform) = 7 points
163. [NWU][3DS] Sonic Lost World (Platform) = 6 points, 4 honorable mentions
164. [PC][AND] Super Hexagon (Puzzle) = 6 points, 3 honorable mentions
165. [IOS][AND] Kingdom Rush Frontiers (Strategy) = 6 points, 3 honorable mentions
166. [3DS] 3D Galaxy Force II (Shooter) = 6 points, 1 honorable mention
166. [360][PS3][PC] Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 (Fighting) = 6 points, 1 honorable mention
168. [PC] Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (Horror) = 6 points, 1 honorable mention
169. [3DS] Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai 2 (Rhythm) = 6 points
170. [PSV] Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland (RPG) = 6 points
171. [IOS][AND] Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time (Strategy) = 6 points
172. [3DS] 3D Super Hang-On (Racing) = 5 points, 2 honorable mentions
173. [PC] Starseed Pilgrim (Adventure) = 5 points, 1 honorable mention
174. [PC] Bleed (Platform) = 5 points, 1 honorable mention
175. [360][PS3] Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (Fighting) = 5 points, 1 honorable mention
176. [PS3][PC] Papo & Yo (Adventure) = 5 points, 1 honorable mention
177. [3DS] Picross e2 (Puzzle) = 5 points
177. [360][PS3] Armored Core: Verdict Day (Action) = 5 points
179. [PC][IOS][AND] Asphalt 8: Airborne (Racing) = 5 points
180. [3DS] Witch's Cat (Action) = 5 points
181. [PC] Race the Sun (Racing) = 5 points
182. [PC] MechWarrior Online (Action) = 5 points
183. [PC] Wargame: AirLand Battle (Strategy) = 5 points
184. [XB1] Peggle 2 (Puzzle) = 5 points
185. [PC] Company of Heroes 2 (Strategy) = 5 points
186. [3DS] Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy (Puzzle) = 5 points
187. [NWU][3DS] Mighty Switch Force! 2 (Puzzle) = 4 points, 2 honorable mentions
188. [360][PS3][PC] Grid 2 (Racing) = 4 points, 2 honorable mentions
189. [IOS][AND] Ridiculous Fishing (Simulation) = 4 points, 2 honorable mentions
190. [PC] MirrorMoon EP (Adventure) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
191. [PC] Aces Wild (Action) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
192. [3DS] Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (Puzzle) = 4 points, 1 honorable mention
193. [3DS] Tomodachi Collection: New Life (Simulation) = 4 points
193. [PSV] Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core Plus R (Fighting) = 4 points
193. [PC] ShootMania Storm (FPS) = 4 points
193. [PC] Soundodger+ (Rhythm) = 4 points
197. [PS3] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle (Fighting) = 4 points
197. [PC][IOS] SolForge (Strategy) = 4 points
197. [PS3] Tekken Revolution (Fighting) = 4 points
197. [PC] Dyad (Shooter) = 4 points
201. [360][XB1][PS3][PSV][PS4][WII][NWU][3DS] Angry Birds Star Wars (Puzzle) = 4 points
202. [PS3] Persona 4 Arena (Fighting) = 4 points
203. [PC] Age of Empires II: The Forgotten (Adventure) = 4 points
204. [360][PS3][PC] Pac-Man Championship Edition DX+ (Action) = 4 points
205. [360][PS3][PC] Sanctum 2 (FPS) = 4 points
206. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millenium Girl (RPG) = 3 points, 4 honorable mentions
207. [PS3][PSV] Stick It to the Man (Platform) = 3 points, 3 honorable mentions
208. [3DS] HarmoKnight (Rhythm) = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions
209. [PC] Divinity: Dragon Commander (Strategy) = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions
209. [360][PS3][PC] Deadpool (Action) = 3 points, 2 honorable mentions
211. [XB1] Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (Platform) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
211. [PC] Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition (RPG) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
213. [PSV][PC][IOS][AND] Rymdkapsel (Strategy) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
214. [IOS] Rayman Fiesta Run (Platform) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
215. [PSV] Dokuro (Puzzle) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
215. [PSV] Dead or Alive 5 Plus (Fighting) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
217. [360][PS3] NHL 14 (Sports) = 3 points, 1 honorable mention
218. [PC] Assetto Corsa (Simulation) = 3 points
218. [PC] The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Platform) = 3 points
218. [PC] Eve Online: Rubicon (MMO) = 3 points
218. [PS4] Escape Plan (Puzzle) = 3 points
218. [360][PS3][PSV][PS4][PC][IOS][AND] The Pinball Arcade: Season 2 (Overall) = 3 points
218. [360][PS3][PC] Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches (Adventure) = 3 points
218. [IOS] Capsized+ (Shooter) = 3 points
218. [360][PS3] Darkstalkers Resurrection (Fighting) = 3 points
218. [PC] 99 Spirits (RPG) = 3 points
218. [XB1] Xbox Fitness (Fitness) = 3 points
218. [PS3][PSV] Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (RPG) = 3 points
218. [IOS] République (Horror) = 3 points
218. [IOS][AND] Kingturn RPG Plus (RPG) = 3 points
218. [PC] Eador: Masters of the Broken World (Strategy) = 3 points
218. [360] Charlie Murder (Action) = 3 points
218. [IOS][AND] Real Racing 3 (Racing) = 3 points
234. [360][PS3] Earth Defense Force 2025 (Shooter) = 3 points
234. [360] Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds (Action) = 3 points
234. [PSV] Demon Gaze (RPG) = 3 points
234. [360][XB1][PS3][PS4][WII][NWU][3DS] Skylanders: Swap Force (Platform) = 3 points
234. [ARC] Crimzon Clover (Shooter) = 3 points
234. [360][PS3][PC] The Bureau: XCOM Declassified (Shooter) = 3 points
234. [360][PC] Super Amazing Wagon Adventure Turbo (Shooter) = 3 points
234. [3DS] Sayonara Umihara Kawase (Platform) = 3 points
234. [PC][IOS] Anodyne (Adventure) = 3 points
234. [PC] Guild Wars 2: Flame and Frost: Prelude (MMO) = 3 points
244. [NDS] Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 (RPG) = 3 points
244. [360][PS3][PC] Dead Island: Riptide (Horror) = 3 points
246. [PC] Electronic Super Joy (Platform) = 3 points
247. [360][PS3][PC] Defiance (Shooter) = 3 points
248. [360][PC] The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing (Adventure) = 3 points
249. [360][PS3][PS4][PC] Contrast (Puzzle) = 2 points, 4 honorable mentions
250. [PC] Resident Evil 6 (Horror) = 2 points, 2 honorable mentions
251. [PC] Reus (Simulation) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
252. [PC] Sword of the Stars: The Pit (Strategy) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
252. [PS3] Chaos Code (Fighting) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
252. [PC] The Novelist (Adventure) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
252. [PC] SimCity (Simulation) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
256. [3DS] 3D Shinobi III (Action) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
256. [PSP] Sweet Fuse: At Your Side (Adventure) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
258. [360][PS3] WWE 2K14 (Sports) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
259. [PC] Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves (Strategy) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
259. [XB1] Crimson Dragon (Shooter) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
261. [PC] Super House of Dead Ninjas (Action) = 2 points, 1 honorable mention
262. [360][IOS] Skulls of the Shogun (Strategy) = 2 points
262. [IOS] Battle of the Bulge (Strategy) = 2 points
262. [PC] Tetrobot and Co. (Puzzle) = 2 points
262. [PC] Tales of Maj'Eyal (RPG) = 2 points
262. [PC] 140 (Platform) = 2 points
262. [PC] The Hobbit: Armies of the Third Age (Strategy) = 2 points
262. [NWU] Dr. Luigi (Puzzle) = 2 points
262. [3DS] Mario Party: Island Tour (Action) = 2 points
262. [PC] Legend of Dungeon (Adventure) = 2 points
262. [360][PS3][PSV][WII][3DS] Retro City Rampage (Action) = 2 points
262. [PC][IOS][AND] Tiny Thief (Adventure) = 2 points
262. [PC] Game Stock Car 2013 (Racing) = 2 points
274. [PC][IOS] Solstice Arena (Strategy) = 2 points
274. [IOS] Agricola (Strategy) = 2 points
274. [PC] TowerFall (Action) = 2 points
274. [PSP] Black Rock Shooter: The Game (Adventure) = 2 points
274. [PC] SongArc (Rhythm) = 2 points
274. [360][PC] Dark (Adventure) = 2 points
274. [360] Ginga Force (Shooter) = 2 points
281. [PC] Experiment 12 (Adventure) = 2 points
281. [IOS][AND] Flick Kick Football Legends (Sports) = 2 points
281. [PSP][PSV] God Eater 2 (Adventure) = 2 points
281. [IOS][AND] Badland (Action) = 2 points
281. [PS3] Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (RPG) = 2 points
281. [PC] Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods (Strategy) = 2 points
281. [3DS] Darumeshi Sports Store (Sports) = 2 points
281. [360][PC] One Finger Death Punch (Fighting) = 2 points
289. [PC] The Entertainment (Adventure) = 2 points
290. [PC] Candy Box 2 (RPG) = 2 points
290. [360][PS3][3DS] Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate (Adventure) = 2 points
292. [3DS] Youkai Watch (RPG) = 2 points
292. [PC] Eldritch (Action) = 2 points
294. [PC] Teslagrad (Platform) = 2 points
294. [3DS] 3D Streets of Rage (Action) = 2 points
294. [PC] Card Hunter (Strategy) = 2 points
297. [PC][AND] 10000000 (Strategy) = 2 points
297. [PC] Samurai Gunn (Fighting) = 2 points
Wait, let me get this straight... The Last of Us won?!

Edit - Holy shit, Tearaway at #9! GAF has major love for that game, and quite rightly.


extra source of jiggaflops
Everyone remember this is a popularity contest with every GAF member being eligible. If you favorite game is not represented it can mean multiple things and not all of them are "the game you like is teh suck."


Really, really surprised to see SM3DW in 4th place considering it's a Wii-U game.

Overall this seems like a really good list. I haven't played all the games (I haven't played the top 3 for example) but it sounds good to me.


Uhh, wow, I think I can see why The Last of Us not being the GotY of some places set people off, the runner up doesn't even have half the points. And hell I liked it the most of that kind of game. Vaguely disappointed Bioshock Infinite still got that high, not that it's a BAD game really but it was just so disappointing after Bioshock. But it does kind of feel like this year was a lot of pretty good games with few out and out standouts, and with ten entries per list I can see Bioshock showing up on loads of lists but kind of low.


Pretty nice list, even though I would have liked to have seen Brothers higher. Still, some great games in that top ten!
Talk about a Last of Us sweep! Very happy to see Rising and W101 up this high and all the Nintendo games deseve the love, they had a stellar year when it comes to quality software.


I was too lazy to vote, but other than a few minor quibbles I like the list a lot. Well done GAF!

I would have GTA5 as second on my list after TLoU, and Bioshock: Infinite would have not made my top 5


Well, number 1 wasn't ever in question. What a complete blowout.

Happy to see Fire Emblem and Rising be in the top ten, and even though I don't play it or plan good, for some reason I am happy to see Dota 2 up there as well.


In the end it's the top 3 everyone expected at the beginning of the year (maybe not in that order). But damn, that's one large gap for The Last of Us.

Also, my favorite award has to be the "360 exclusive of the year", never thought I'd see the day an import Cave game could win this (at a stunning 13 points, no less). It beat out Gears of War!
Bioshock Infinite? 2nd place? Now there's a suprise. Didn't think it would make top 10 (nor didn't I want it to be there).

Great to see The Swapper getting an award though. :)


The Birthday Skeleton
Good to see W101 and Pikmin 3 in the top 20. (I was expecting Mario 3d World to be there anyway). Sad about EU IV not being there.


I'm probably going to say this again elsewhere, but:

People should really think about linking their top 10s as their NeoGAF homepage. It provides a very convenient glimpse of one's tastes and positions on gaming matters. Useful for understanding where a vague post may be coming from or finding those with similar tastes.


I'm curious, what constitutes "simulation"? I noticed that Attack of the Friday Monsters was one of the runner-ups in that category, and I'd categorize that game as a point-and-click adventure more than anything.
Did we ever have a winner with such a big margin over the second? Well deserved though.
Wasn't expecting Bioshock to beat GTA.
Tearaway actually made it into the top 10!


great job as always guys. thanks for including me in the gone home section, haha.

also, i'd like to point out that this is the 10th neogaf game of the year awards, and the first time three handheld games have been in the top 10. the last time there was more than one was when elite beat agents and new super mario bros. made it back in 2006.


Didn't expect Bioshock so high after all the backlash it seemed to get on Gaf in the lttp threads. I'm glad it got some love though, it was a really memorable experience for me.


Good taste shown in the action game category with MGRR being the clear winner. It took me the whole year to get on board but it was worth the wait.


WTF GTA5 lose to Bioshock?! GAF has failed...

Bioshock Infinite has way wose story and gameplay, and worse graphic too.

Bioshock Infinite is 2013's MSG4.


Holy shit Wonderful 101 made it yes oh yes oh yessssss

Thanks again Cheese and TTK for running this, excellent work!


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I think this might be the first year in a long while where I've played little of or haven't even started half of the games in the top 20.

Mr. Sam

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed won best racing game and it wasn't even released this year. Welp, I can leave happy.

I'm also glad that Bioshock Infinite won the race to number two, Tomb Raider made the top ten - and rather sad that Luigi's Mansion 2 didn't get more notice.
Well done GAF for having Guacamelee, Papers Please and Gome Home in the top 20 and not falling for the BI backlash.

I'm quite perplexed with Tomb Raider charting so high as I thought was not much more than a soulless Uncharted rip-off, but other than that, good list!


I love Pokken!
Congrats to TLOU, even though i personally don't think it was the best of 2013. Also, impressed that Bioshock Infinite managed to beat GTA V, and MGR should had been higher.


I'm probably going to say this again elsewhere, but:

People should really think about linking their top 10s as their NeoGAF homepage. It provides a very convenient glimpse of one's tastes and positions on gaming matters. Useful for understanding where a vague post may be coming from or finding those with similar tastes.
Huh, might even make it worthwhile for me to still try to put together a top ten, though my avatar in and of itself is kind of a tip off anyway.


Wow, only one game overlap between my list and the GAF top 10, I think this is the furthest apart mine and GAF's tastes have been... ever.


Adventure Game of the Year: Grand Theft Auto V = 1058 points, 38 honorable mentions

Horror Game of the Year: The Last of Us = 2268 points, 23 honorable mentions

parser mistakes?

As always, thanks to cheese and timetokill for taking the time to do this. :)
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